Writing Exercise: The Switch

Every society contains gender roles. In some cases, like Spanish, genders are assigned to everything including inanimate objects. Today, the writing exercise is focused on the two traditional genders of American society.

WRITING EXERCISE PART ONE: Write a flash where traditional gender roles are strongly displayed through some medium: romantic, job division, clothing, etc. Aim for about 50 to 100 words, don’t go overboard. Have two characters; they can be the same or different genders.

WRITING EXERCISE PART TWO: Switch the gender role assignments – he to she; she to he. Do not change the characters appearance or actions, except for gender-related appearance (breasts to pecs). How does your story read now? Does it still work? What makes it feel different to you? Comment below.


My Attempt (Flash Title: Tongue)

Towering over her, David lifted her chin until Kendra stood on tiptoes, her mouth drying at his dominance. She ran the tip of her tongue over her red-stained lips, watching his brown eyes darken in response. He lowered his head, twisting it sideways until his lips hovered just above hers.

“Open,” he growled.

Kendra exhaled, her lips parting with the breath.

He smiled, dropping the last inch between them, his alien tongue entering her mouth and sweeping down. (words 78, first published 3/23/2022)

Towering over him, Kendra lifted his chin until David stood on tiptoes, his mouth drying at her dominance. He ran the tip of his tongue over his red-stained lips, watching her brown eyes darken in response. She lowered her head, twisting it sideways until her lips hovered just above his.

“Open,” she growled.

David exhaled, his lips parting with the breath.

She smiled, dropping the last inch between them, her alien tongue entering his mouth and sweeping down. (words 78, first published 3/23/2022)

One interesting aspect of the gender switch for my flash is the “red-stained lips.” On a female, lipstick is assumed. On the male, you don’t know why they are stained … but blood does come to mind.