Author Spotlight: Samantha Bryant

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If you have been following my blog for a while, you know I love superhero prose. Samantha Bryant writes about Menopausal Superheroes – teenage years aren’t the only time of massive chemical restructuring in the human body. She also writes horror; she loves exploring things which scare her. The horror is usually short stories and flashes, some of which have been published in anthologies like Deadman Humour: Thirteen Fears of a Clown.

Ms. Bryant is also an avid blogger in The Insecure Writer’s Support Group, participates in the Blisstopia’s Nightmare Fuel Project each October, and is active in the Instagram October Author Challenge – all while holding down a day-job teaching Spanish to middleschoolers. She is friendly, outgoing, and scary talkative at conventions. It’s always weird running into an true extrovert in the writing field. Most of us put on a front for cons, a mask, an act – her superpower is an actual love of being around people and helping them learn things. Having her on a panel takes a lot of pressure off the rest since she can keep a conversation moving without effort.