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It’s that time of year again. Time to clean up that dreaded author bio so you can submit to conventions. Some places are thinking about it; most likely the virtuals will remain in place for the beginning of the year, but later in the year, maybe, we can have an in-person or two.
Derek Haines gives some excellent pointers in a Just Publishing Advice post, last updated January 19, 2021, “Five Weak Words You Should Always Avoid Using in Your Author Bios.”
- Currently
- Ex
- Aspiring
- Dreamer
- Retired
Read the article to find out why these are bad words, and then go forth and update your author bio and submit to those cons we all missed out on last year. Here’s hoping to see people at the tables instead of the screen! Again, the link is: https://justpublishingadvice.com/five-weak-words-authors-should-avoid-using-in-bios/