Writing Exercise: 50-Word Prompts 2021


Okay. New tradition (three times makes it so). 50-word prompts as the December writing exercise. Since Writing Exercises are the third Thursday of the month, they tend to fall on or near the Christmas holidays. May as well have fun!

Quick reminder of the rules: Write two 50-word flashes. Aim for 50 words, give or take five extra words. Don’t read my attempts until after you do your own. Writing them directly in the comment section below will help you focus on the flash aspect – just getting words out.



Photo by Emmanuel Bior on Unsplash

My Attempts

TEXT PROMPT: Elementary

It’s easy they said. Elementary. Basic. Simple. Bullshit.

Just get it started and everything will go from there. You know how.

Loki’s maternity saddle!

It’s easy-peasy, and I’m not going to let it conquer me. Everyone does it.

I tear everything apart and start over. Tape, wrapping paper, gift.

(first published 3/21/2022; 50 words)


TITLE: R is for Robyn (Mom Eyes 1)

I look up. The eyes burning the back of my head made me look up. Fuckin’ superheroes. Her eyes burn down – not like Lazik, but Robyn had her own magic. They call her power “mom eyes”. You feel it, the expectation. She expects better of you, of everyone. The best humans can be.

I’m not even close.

I drop my gun, defeated before she even jumps off the roof.

(first published 3/21/2022; 69 words)

Series: Mom Eyes

  1. R is for Robyn (12/28/21)
  2. B is for Billy (4/3/22)
  3. H is for Hoot (4/10/22)
  4. N is for Natalie (4/17/22)

Series: 50-word Prompts

  1. Prompts 1& 5 (2/19/2017)
  2. Prompts 6 & 12 (2/26/2017)
  3. Prompts 7, 8, 10, 11 (3/19/2017)
  4. Prompts (The Mouse Roars) (3/26/2017)
  5. 50-word prompts 2018 (12/25/2018)
  6. 50-word prompts 2019 (8/27/2019)
  7. 50-word prompts 2020 (12/22/2020)
  8. 50-word prompts 2021 (12/28/2021)
  9. 50-word prompts 2022 (12/17/2022) – forthcoming

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