Blog: New Year 2022

Meme created by Erin Penn

The year is 2022, and it has been a long two years. 

Taxes have ran long – like really long, for several years. Basically I’ve done three years of taxes in two years. Then I had to job hunt to qualify for the unemployment bonus, and unlike every other time I went looking for a real job when I hungered for one, this time, burnt out and just wanting a break after taxes, I actually found one in 2020 and started working for the post office on the weekends for all those packages people have been ordering. The result is lots of work and no free time.

The writing has suffered.

Editing, not as much, but not much is getting done either. I did some amazing editing in 2020, but everyone’s creative juices have been drained (including my own) dealing with the uncertainty of COVID life so very little was edited in 2021. Due to pipeline processes, the 2020 editing arrived in 2021 as published books. I need to update my book list to show the amazing authors I’ve worked with. I’m hoping to get back into the editing game again in 2022, but we shall see.

This year will be a digging out year. Cleaning house, keeping up with the bills, and, maybe, shaking enough of the tax and package delivery slog off to write a bit. I’m not going to set up resolutions this year, or beat myself up for failure if unsuccessful.

The big goal will be a simple 500 words per day and/or catching up with a blog posting per day. This post is the start. Hopefully not the end.

May the year bring accomplishment and contentment to one and all.