Magical Words: The Five Mantras

Photo by Rachel Nickerson on Unsplash

The Five Writing Mantras of James Maxey:

  1. The worst novel you put on paper is better than the best novel you have in your head.
  2. Here. Now.
  3. To write a good novel, you must first write a bad novel.
  4. Never look back.
  5. Little by little, the work gets done.

In other words – Write it, concentrate, write to grow, perfection is the enemy of the good, climb a bit every day.

Get the full picture at Magical Words 2/19/2011 –

Writing Exercise: Which mantras do you need to work on? Which of one hit you the hardest when reading about them? Choose that one to work on this week. Make a colored card and stick it on the wall where you write with the beginning date.