Photo by Tadeusz Lakota on Unsplash
As you know, I’ve been attacking my writing this year – catching up on blogs and started the NOVEL and SERIES with the hopes to finish it before Package Season and Tax Season starts again. I’m now just over two months in with another four or five to go. Enthusiasm is flagging. It’s not easy spitting out 20,000 words or more per month; and to finish in time, that is what I need to do.
So I need to take the writing slump by the teeth andÂ
Shake It Off
My favorite author, Liana Brooks, gave some advice about “How to Escape a Writing Slump” in her 3/20/2019 posting. (URL:
Not all of them will work in my particular case. Many of the suggestions focus on when the words just aren’t coming because the writer has went down the wrong path. In my case, it’s looking at the long path before me. Maybe I should take a couple days break and mow the lawn; maybe see friends tonight. Maybe look at tax training and remind myself why I am trying to escape taxes.
Anyway, whether you hit a road block or just an energy need, stop, reassess, and rest or move forward – whichever is best. I’ll do the same on my end. Good Luck!