Book Review: American Starlet

Amazon Cover

American Starlet by Lucy Blue


The Eighties were a weird time in Hollywood. Even for a princess.

Actress and It Girl Scarlett Cross has spent most of her life torn between Calvin Cross, her movie star father, and Romeo Kidd, the bad, bad, boy she married. Now she’s written her memoirs, two hand-written notebooks of what she promises will be nothing but the full, torrid, tawdry, crazy truth. Everybody in Hollywood is desperate for a peek. But Romeo’s more interested in why she decided to write it. Did she do it for love? For revenge? Or is she finally ready to tell her darkest secret of all?

A new-style take on the classic Hollywood potboiler from best-selling romance novelist Lucy Blue, author of Guinevere’s Revenge and Bury Me Not.



American Starlet by Lucy Blue – Too little sleep (gave up finishing it and went to bed at 5:45 am … AM, the sun was up.)

Abusive and loving, entertaining and maddening, enjoyable and heartrending. Every relationship between people from Hollywood – and every relationship between a reader and her authors.

I keep on forgetting how da*n good a writer Ms. Blue is.

If you want a master class on how to show how broken people are instead of telling us, this book is it. The character crafting is amazing. I’m not usually a character-driven story person, but … wow. The author hints and dances around, shows in glaring spotlight or subtle mood lighting everything that makes a Hollywood Tell-All amazing, only without the out-and-out telling.

Technically a romance (as the cover indicates), this is twisted, and angry, and loving, and satisfying.

What is it like? … Marriage Story (2019 movie), I guess? I haven’t see the movie so I can’t say for certain.

(Read through Kindle Unlimited)