Photo by Colton Sturgeon on Unsplash
They passed two pixie dream girls at the corner, dressed for tricks. Their phones were out taking pictures. “You got us?” Bowser asked, as he was hauled along.
“No way girl.” “Ain’t no spill.” The females shouted at their backs.
Amie dropped his hand, turned around, running backwards. “Pixie power!”
A high tweet sang back.
Browser grabbed her sideways to keep her from running into a tree. Not the easiest manhandling, since Amie was the same height as him but he was nearly twice as wide.
After four blocks away, they fell against some steps breathing heavy. “Woman, you will be the death of me.”
“I would never.” Amie slid from where she landed against his shoulder into his lap, to look up at him from under her red hair. “Admit it, you love it.”
He pursed his lips closed and dug his fingers into her hair, pulling it off her face and combing it into a silken fall over his jeans.
She finger-flicked his stomach. “Admit it. Without me, life would be boring.”
“Boring isn’t bad.”
“No, then shall we do a Netflix and chill like the normies?” She stuck out her tongue at him. “Stay at home with popcorn and do a puzzle?”
A side smile entered his face as he traced a finger over her eyebrows. “That sounds like fun.”
“Fun?” Amie shot up out of his lap to face him. “Fun? Staying home? Doing nothing?”
“I’m sheepish, not pixie.” He pulled her close to lean against him, her face naturally falling to look out at the street instead of his face. “I like my pasture.”
The adrenaline-driven fairy sighed. “I dragged you so far away from it.” Amie patted Boswer’s leg. “I’m sorry.”
He kissed her cheek. “We don’t have a choice. You have to play your flute, and a world-class orchestra is the only thing that can keep up with you. That means a big city. A really, really big city.”
“What about your pasture?” Amie turned her face to his. Bowser tried to turn away to study the street, but she pulled his face back. “Don’t you want to go back to the burrow? You can, you know.”
His oversized black-on-black eyes darted over her much more human-appearing face. He pressed his lips together.
“Come on.” Amie tweaked his black nose. “Talk to me, mutton-chops.”
“I rather not.”
The pixie shifted back, gaining some sobriety. “Why not?” This time her purple left eye and green right eye studied him, for the first time in a long time. Dark circles hid under his large black eyes. White wool stubble scrambled along an angular jawline. Curls from too long scalp-hair matted, and the center of his eyebrows hadn’t been plucked in weeks. “What don’t you want me to know? What can’t you tell the truth about?”
As fairies, there could be no lies between them, but omissions were a popular coin to protect secrets.
(words 488, first published 10/22/2023)
Pixie Power Series
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