Gardening: Z is for Zucchini


This year I added a raised garden after tax season. On and off for a little gathering all the parts, then two days of concentrated effort, but the home for Tomatoes, Yellow Squash, and Zucchini is complete! (Just like the A-to-Z challenge.)

First thing I did was get my containers in order. I bought mint and tomatoes in early April then never had a chance to plant them. Eventually I cleared out the growth from 2022 and 2023 when I ignored the pots, but by then the mint and tomatoes were mostly dead.

I went out and bought more mint and tomatoes, plus supplies for the raised garden. Now the deadline kicks in. I need to get the new plants in a container soon.

I got the raised garden back in January when I was flush with day-job money and hope that THIS is the year I will find time during tax season to get my gardening done before the heat of May kick in for the south.

Yes, I do this dance every year, and every year I fail, but this year I was determined. (shush you, yes, the mint died – which takes some very determined neglect, but this year will be different!)

I had the raised garden pieces. Eight screw-nut combinations are needed to attach each panel together and the end result would be a two-foot deep bed. One hundred and twelve screw-nut combinations later, I got it assembled.

Working on the table with all the nuts and screws until the parts get too big.



First part assembled.
Nuts-screws are really hard to tighten all by yourself, but I got it done!!! The empty form for the raised bed is complete.


Now that the form is ready. I need to go get the dirt. Being just me and my mini-van (their name is Grey), I will need to buy bags of soil.

Soil is purchased – nine bags, plus 3 bags I already have for a total of 12. I hope it is enough.



Now to get the final touch, those plants that I bought last week. Did I get all of this done in time?

Everything is planted. It looks pretty. Hopefully it will taste delicious in a few month. The wonderful things about making the raised bed is it should be easier going forward to get everything done in future years. We shall see.

I got this done by the May Heat Deadline – go me! (And thanks to everyone on A-to-Z for their visits. Have a great year.)

It is not enough. The raised bed is about half-full, but that is all the energy I have. I’ll add more next year.

8 thoughts to “Gardening: Z is for Zucchini”

  1. I do not have a green thumb, but my husband’s pretty good in the garden. For anything I plan, like petunias, I rely on miracle grow potting soil to pick up my slack. Seems to work every year.
    Congratulations on making it through the A-Z!

  2. It’s too bad you can’t put all that together in the winter or other off-season time so that you don’t have to try to assemble everything during your busy season. That’s a lot of things to try to keep track of.

  3. This looks fantastic, Erin. I am also a gardener in an urban community garden and at my building in NYC. Our season is a bit later than yours, so now that A to Z is over, I need to get planting. Congrats on completing the A to Z Challenge! And thanks for stopping by Molly’s Canopy.

  4. Congratulations on finishing Erin – the A-Z and the raised beds! I only discovered you through your comment on my Z post but will definitely visit more posts now the pressure of April is off…

    1. I have a few people I have marked to return to on my a-to-z spreadsheet. Looking forward on going through their whole month of April as soon as I get some free time.

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