Author Spotlight: Barb Hendee

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I first discovered Barb Hendee through the Dhampir/Nobel Dead series she co-wrote with her husband J.C. Hendee. The book sold in 2001 and by 2006 success as a writer team had allowed them to quit the day jobs and move to Oregon and just write. Then in 2011, even though they did all the right things – keep writing, keep in touch with their fans, were easy to work with – the market imploded when Borders gave up its fight. They, like many writers, suddenly found their royalty checks shrinking.

In her post “Don’t Quit Your Day Job” (9/20/2023 note – looks like she moved her website and has discontinued the blog aspects as part of concentrating on her day job), she discusses what it is like to be a successful writer … and then not be successful anymore.

She is still writing. The fourteenth (and last?) chapter of Nobel Dead came out in 2016. In addition, she is solo writing the Dark Glass Novels, where noble women faced with choices like stopping an assassination or choosing which of the king’s sons to marry look into a mirror and see those choices play out. Rarely are any of the futures fully happy, the question is which will the woman pick and how will it change her.

Barb Hendee may have returned to her day job, but she isn’t walking away from her night job. She loves writing too much.

Author: Edmund R. Schubert

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Edmund R. Schubert has been instrumental with Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show until recently, when he retired to concentrate on his own writing. All I can say is, About Time!

Don’t get me wrong, the man is an amazing editor. Listening to him at conventions, reading his blog posts on Magical Words, and all the other ways he passes on his mystic skills of editing to the apprentices gathering at his feet, one never doubts he is a master of his craft.

Thing is he is also a master at writing. Editing for OSCIMS took up a lot of his time, so he was limited to short stories. He is one of those when I am bopping through an anthology and a story stops me dead, and I go back to the title page for the short story, I go “oh, of course it’s him”. There are very few who do this to me … even fewer who do it every.single.time.

The man is really, really good.

Grab his collection, This Giant Leap, and see if you agree.

Author Spotlight: Natasja Rose

R is for Rose

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So I’m sitting at Pennsic minding my own business (not really, but let’s go with that), when me and a lady get to talking about embroidery, making historic costumes, and time travel – because those things go together. (If you attended Pennsic or met a SCAdian, you’ll understand – if not, just trust me). Turns out she is a self-published writer out of Australia, and she had written a really cool rant-filled book on the seamstress department of a time travel agency

After I got home, I went poking my nose to see what other weirdness Ms. Rose had created. The twisted Fairy Tale set of Cinderella Grows a Spine, Snow White learns Stranger Danger, and Red Riding Hood and the Stalker capture her personality and voice well. While they are not as polished as “Traditional” Presses do, her unique vision isn’t curtailed either.

She also publishes non-fiction on topics dear to her heart such as Asexuality and Asperger’s

The prices of her books run a little higher than I am used to seeing here in the States where everyone undervalues what writers produce including the writers themselves, but the pricing could also be a difference between currency exchanges with Amazon. The internet Goliath likes segregating countries into easily managed portions. In any case, you might want to look into her twisted little tales whether they are a collection, short story, or novella.

If you want, you can follow her on facebook under: Natasja Rose Author.

Author Spotlight: Tally Johnson

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Y’all comfortable? Good, because if you’re going to spend some time with Tally Johnson you need to get comfortable. Man’s a storyteller from the old school. Best of Creek Walking, a collection of his work, is the short story Creek Walking – which meanders it way into a story while walking along railroad tracks, trading cards, and biking dirt trails.

His day job is the local history coordinator for the Chester County Library system. Mr. Johnson is also a professional storyteller, going to local libraries and schools. From his research he has published books on the paranormal subjects: Ghosts of the South Carolina Upcounty and Ghosts of the South Carolina Midlands.

Within the Carolina publishing community, he helps out at ConCarolinas running the paranormal track.

If you ever get to attend a convention and he is sharing ghost stories at night, attend. The man’s stories are even better told in person. His writer’s voice is pure joy in person; it’s meant to be experiences in audio format.

Author Spotlight: Liana Brooks

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I’ve been following Liana Brooks since back when I worked for Breathless Press, and she published a superhero series of “Even Villians…” I’ve watched her moved to Alaska, then to the West Coast.

Then (gasp) she has moved to South Carolina in 2019 following her husband’s military career. I may actually get to meet this magical writer of romance mixed with genre – ranging from historical to science fiction, superheros to time travel. I do hope she comes to ConCarolinas in June. I will be all over that like icing on a cinnamon roll.

If you like your genre with some romance or your romance with some genre, check out her works.

You can also check out my I’m-not-a-stalker previous posts on her books and her blog below. I find her blog thought-provoking and useful for writing. I also follow her on Facebook and am one of her patreons. Nope, not a stalker at all – just a superfan.

Other Cool Blogs: Liana Brooks June 23, 2016
Other Cool Blogs: Liana Brooks June 26, 2016
Other Cool Blogs: Liana Brooks
Other Cool Blogs: Privilege
Book Reviews: A Time & Shadows Mystery Series
Book Reviews: Even Villains Fall in Love