Blog: New Year 2016

Gone Writing

Image stolen randomly from the web

A new year, 2016!

Time to write again. Life grabbed me and beat me soundly about the head the past couple of years, but I am coming back.

This year’s goals:

1. Restart the blog
2. Start a newsletter
3. Start a website
4. Get a new self-published novel (or two) out.

Basically kick my writing back into gear.

To that end, the blog is going to undergo a severe facelift. Some things, such as the cross-reference of stories and characters, will be moved to the website. Everything else is going to be burned to the ground and restarted.

The new production schedule shall be:

1. Sunday – A flash story  (initially about half will be repeats)
2. Tuesday – Book Reviews, Author Spotlights, Writing Exercises, maybe an editing rant or two, and every so often a little look at my calligraphy and embroidery … because it is pretty
3. Thursday – Links to other people blogging about writing..

Hope you like the new Erin Penn’s First Base.

Blog: Other Goal

Going to try a second writing goal. First one is writing the Breathless Press Sunday Fun every week. The second is to post an original flash every Wednesday. So two (very) short stories per week. Let’s see how it goes.

My overall drive right now is to get writing. The third goal will be to actual write something good enough to sell; need just a little more time to get that part organized.

Blog: Everything uploaded for now

I believe I have uploaded everything for the start of the blog now. Hopefully more stuff will be happening in the future. I will endeavor to continue with my present writer’s goal for myself – participating in the Sunday Fun with Breathless Press. If it is the only thing I do, at least I am doing some writing.

I first heard of Breathless Press in 2012 through one of their editors. She attended ConCarolinas “The Best Sci-Fi Con in the Carolinas” which happens annually during June in Charlotte, NC. The convention has a totally awesome writer’s segment of activities that is close to a third of the convention events – usually having 3 different tracks happening throughout the day. The Erotica classes tend to be extremely fun and funny. Writers and editors know words – and their panels are amazing.

I am finally getting enough organized to maybe do something more with she presented during the writing panels she was on. Maybe next convention I will have something to present to her … or, if I am very, very lucky and get more organized than I think I can in the time allotted … be on a panel with her. …. all writers are dreamers.

(Update 1/6/2016 – Old flashes removed in preparation of new blog format in 2016.)